How do you engage learners?
Whether you are delivering high level presentations, facilitating a workshop, speaking at a meeting or even working with online courses the majority of the challenges are the same. What is the best way to encourage learning and how do we pass on information in way that our participants want. Whilst the fundamental role of a […]
Engaging Online Learners

How do you engage learners online? The fact that a learner isn’t in the classroom doesn’t mean they should be bored with volumes of text. Learning should be engaging and every student should feel that efforts have been made in assisting their development. As course designers we have an obligation in delivering our content in a […]
Amazon Student
Ok so Amazon is basically the gateway for online shopping, they have just created a new offering called Amazon student. This is a good place to find cheap text books for your courses. They also have a referral credit system where you can earn $10 for each social media referral, so you maybe able to […]
How long should a training course be? (Part 3 of 3)
Dont’ start here, you missed all the juicy stuff, go back to Part 1 or Part 2. Ok wrap it up- and yes it’s been a long one. My background is Project Management, so I’m going to explain it using some project speak. Very shortly: there are 2 ways to estimate duration: Absolute: a […]
How long should a training course be? (Part 2 of 3)
Ok hopefully you have posted a comment in Part 1, if not- stop now, go back and post your response- it’s heaps more fun that way. Ok so you’re back. And have posted your response- well I’ve got no way of knowing, but well done if you did. As this article ages (assuming it’s read […]
How long should a training course be? (Part 1 of 3)
12 days! If you found the response of 12 ridiculous please read on, if you are happy with the answer go forth and good luck with running your 12 day course. Ok to some background to the question. I’ve based this article on work, competency, proficiency or outcomes based training; choose the flavour which […]
USI Unique Student Identifier
What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI) Starting in 2015 any student undertaking a nationally recognised qualification in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This becomes a unified way for all Registered Training Organisations to store student information. Essentially the USI keeps a student’s VET […]
Understanding Qualification and Unit Codes
Codes in Nationally Recognised Training The are 3 types of codes typically used in Nationally Recognised Training, these are; Training Package Codes Qualification Codes Unit Codes Training Package Codes These codes assign a unique identifier for each training package. The convention applied for most training packages is three letters followed by 2 numbers. The letters are […]
What is accredited training?
In Australia accredited training can take on different meaning based upon the perspective of the individual; for example accredited training for an employee may be training which has been approved by the organisation, within a university environment it usually means that the training will contribute towards an enrolled degree etc. However and most commonly the […]
What is an RTO?
What is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) What is an RTO? A Registered Training Organisation or RTO is a provider of Vocational Education and Training authorised to issue nationally recognised qualifications. There are 2 main types of RTO’s: Private and Public RTO’s. Public RTO’s, formally known as TAFE’s are government funded institutes established to provide […]
What is RPL?
What is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)? RPL, more formally known as Recognition of Prior Learning is simply a skills assessment. It’s a pathway which recognises a student’s previous work achievements and competencies in view of attaining a nationally recognised qualification. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is offered to students who currently possess some or all […]