Proven ways to manage your cash flow

Screen elements that allow the user to move provides a set of screen elements that allow the user to move choices, and information on include actual images.

How to raise capital for your business

Screen elements that allow the user to move provides a set of screen elements that allow the user to move choices, and information on include actual images.

2021 Federal Wage Subsidy Extension

Last year the Australian Government released as part of its stimulus for business package a wage reimbursement scheme. In short, hire an eligible worker and put them as an apprentice or trainee and the business could receive 50% of that employees wage back. 100,000 places were offered and in February 2020 these were exhausted – […]

The order of operations

Facebook and linkedin are littered with seemingly simple puzzles   For some reason these tend to draw masses of comments and create pretty sizable arguments.  This is largely as many people are not aware (or overlook) the concept of the order of operations. Whilst the video on the order of operations explains it quite well […]

Amazon Student

Ok so Amazon is basically the gateway for online shopping, they have just created a new offering called Amazon student. This is a good place to find cheap text books for your courses. They also have a referral credit system where you can earn $10 for each social media referral, so you maybe able to […]

USI Unique Student Identifier

What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI) Starting in 2015 any student undertaking a nationally recognised qualification in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This becomes a unified way for all Registered Training Organisations to store student information. Essentially the USI keeps a student’s VET […]

Project Managing the New Year

With the new year practically upon us there’s no better time to discuss the age old issue of setting objectives. Prior to midnight millions of people will count down to a new year already filled with promises and expectations, but for how many will those expectations be realised? The truth of the matter (well according […]