Off Piste Management

Every Management workshop I have ever attended whether at university or for professional development is underpinned by a recurring theme: managers do things right. That generally translates into having a structure of systems and enforcing conformance through a clear and fair process. Most aptly that system is based around policies and processes designed to protect the company […]
The Agriboom

Is Agriculture ready to take over from mining as the sector for growth and opportunity? Will it ride the same roller coaster or learn from its lessons? After spending last week in Muresk and now sitting in my accommodation in Newman, I can clearly see a tangible shift in two of our largest industries; resources and agriculture. […]
Amazon Student
Ok so Amazon is basically the gateway for online shopping, they have just created a new offering called Amazon student. This is a good place to find cheap text books for your courses. They also have a referral credit system where you can earn $10 for each social media referral, so you maybe able to […]
Business vs Passion; a Project Management conflict of interest.
It’s the combination of two fundamental factors which create highly successful projects; the project’s value proposition and the motivation to make it a reality. But which is of more importance Passion or Business Acumen? Ask any successful businessman and you will get one of three answers: Passion – a great idea driven by a leader […]