Scope Training offer traineeships through some of our popular qualifications. As employers may receive a payroll tax exemption, this saving can cover the cost of staff training, making the training practically free!

Traineeships with Scope Training

With a traineeship, your staff will learn new skills and get a nationally recognised qualification while they are working.
Trainees are required to be employed and enter into a contract with an employer to gain hands-on skills and work
experience while earning a wage. Traineeships are usually in non-trade related areas and last for 12 months or more.
Eligibility for a traineeship is based on factors such as how long your staff been employed with your company and theirTraining Saying-01
previous qualifications.


– Your organisation may be eligible for an exemption on payroll tax. This effectively gives you the training for free.
– Some qualifications are eligible for further monetary incentives, such as $4000 per staff member.
– Your staff can gain a valuable qualification that benefits both them and your organisation, without spending
hours away in a classroom.

Traineeship Qualifications Currently Available

Please check with our office for the most up to date information on payroll tax exemption and employer incentives. Also see below.

What Next?

Employers make the initial phone call and application for the traineeship on behalf of the employee. Once initial discussions are complete, the employer and employee mutally agree to enter into a training contract and complete a training plan with Scope Training, the Registered Training Organisation.
As the employer you will need to contact an Apprenticeship Network Provider to complete the application and nominate Scope Training as the training provider.

Western Australian Providers:
– MEGT (Australia) Ltd
– Chambers Apprenticeship Support Australia Pty Limited
– AMA Services (WA) Pty Ltd
– The BUSY Group Ltd

If you have not previously contacted a provider (as above), Scope staff can point you in the right direction. The
Apprenticeship Network Provider consultant will organise a time to have the paperwork signed with both you and your employee. Once the paperwork is lodged, Scope will assign a trainer and commence the training. Our training includes access to online resources and ongoing support via phone, email, or if staff are Perth based, face to face meetings.

Payroll Exemption

For each eligible employee on a Traineeship in Western Australia, ​the organisation could potentially exclude that
employee’s wage from Payroll Tax (5.5%) for the full duration of the training (for up to 2 years).

This effectively pays for the training and can potentially save your organisation thousands of dollars.

For an employee earning $60,000, and based on the Payroll Tax in Western Australia of 5.5%, your business could save $3,300 in Payroll Tax Exemptions for each year that the trainee undertakes the Traineeship.

Employer Incentives

Incentives may be available for employers when they support a trainee.You have employed a new worker:

If eligible, you may receive $4000 in total (plus payroll tax exemption). The $4000 is broken up into two payments: $1500 when the traineeship is commenced and $2500 at the completion of training.

Please confirm with either Scope Training or an Apprenticeship Network Provider for the latest incentives on offer.

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